Overeaters Anonymous Joe and Charlie Big Book Comes Alive Seminar 1994 at Blackpool England [Audio CD] History of Recovery


All Cds are as Pictured. The Label is Printed Directly onto a matte white Cd. The Cds are Individually Packaged in Window envelopes.


Overeaters Anonymous Joe and Charlie Big BookSeminar OA Joe and Charlie Big Book Study for OA at Blackpool England 1994

9 Cds in this set A Copy of Seminar Handouts which Includes Outlines for the Fourth Step Inventory included with the Cds
This set is very popular and customers have really liked it
An 8 CD Joe and Charlie Seminar with a CD of Roberta talking about the History of OA
Includes set of seminar handouts including the outline for taking fourth step, and graphics used during talk
These studies transmit an insight bordering on inspiration
They bring a great deal of feeling to the work; it vastly trancends instruction
These tapes will help anyone already interested in working the steps to consumate that interest with a very effective practice
Truly guides the doing
They guide you through the why and how of working the steps
The why because the natural order of the big book begins by highlighting the problem
This is discussed in length when THE DOCTORS OPINION,THERE IS A SOLUTION ,and MORE ABOUT ALCOHOLISM are discussed
The Big Book tells us why we must work the steps to recover and then tells us how
Often steping back to the Why
Then telling HOW
These CDs will enable anyone to take the steps according to the Big Books instruction
A great thing to get together with ones sponsor over
listening to the discussion of each step, pauseing the tape, and then following the directions
This could take some time but would be a realistic “any lengths” to stay sober
A great set of CDs for Overeaters Anonymous member trying to better understand the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous or a collector of Joe and Charlie Big Book Studies.

Additional information

Weight 11 oz
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 1 in