Jim Burwell and Wife Rosa 1974 Their Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Talks at a San Diego Speaker Meeting [CD-ROM] History of Recovery


All Cds are as Pictured. The Label is Printed Directly onto a matte white Cd. The Cds are Individually Packaged in Window envelopes.


JIM and ROSA BURWELL of San Diego, CA
Both Speaking at the Same Event
at San Diego,CA August 15,1974
His sobriety date is June 15,1938.

   •  The Author of a Big Book Story(THE VICIOUS CYCLE)
   •  he is fully qualified to give an oral history of AA and the book ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS which is what he does on this CD.
   • As his own story is intertwined with that of early AA in New York with Bill Wilson.
   • Jim Burwell Founded the First AA Groups in Washington DC and Philadelphia,PA.
   •  JIM B. is an early New York AA who met Bill Wilson and Hank Parkhurst while Bill still lived at 182 Clinton St.(where the hot flash happened in JIMS words)
   •  This is an eyewitness account not a talk by a historian.
   •  For example the Rockafeller dinner is not something he read about HE WAS THERE this is JIMS OWN STORY
   •  Other recordings I have of Jim he talks primarly about the history of AA and the Big Book.
   •  In this recording he talks about his own recovery including the incident of his slip.
   •  Jim is the “ED” of the story in tradition three of the 12X12. Page 143-145 Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.
   •  Jim tells this story from his own experience.
   •  His own story is very interesting as is his wifes story.
   •  They both use a Forties Era vernacular wherein people are refered to as “POWER BOYS” “GLAMOUR JOBS”.
   •  A very good example of how early AAs “qualified” and shared their recovery stories.
   • Very Enjoyable.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 1 in