Marty Mann Early Alcoholics Anonymous 1965 Talk at Alcoholics Anonymous Convention [Audio CD] History of Recovery


All Cds are as Pictured. The Label is Printed Directly onto a matte white Cd. The Cds are Individually Packaged in Window envelopes.


Marty Mann ~ Beverly McGowan ~ Recording 1- MARTY MANN 1965 TORONTO

   • This is Marty’s talk at the conventions Big Meeting.
   • She Tells her story, Talks about Alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous.
   •  Recording 2-BEVERLY McGOWAN 1971 Cleveland, Ohio
   • Beverly is a New York City area AA member who was a member of the Manhattan Group and attended meetings when Bill Wilson was still alive.
   • She tells the horror story of her drinking with a very strong Brooklyn accent.
   •  Her recovery was as rewarding and miraculous as her drinking was horrendous.
   • Very well told AA Recovery message.
   •  I’m not sure of the event but she was invited to it as the feature speaker and did a great job.
   • Remarkable message.
   • Both of these recordings were made from a 1970s era Reel to Reel tape made by an Ohio Area taper.
   • Good Sound Quality.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 1 in